The Seven Seas.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day Seventeen: [Writing Wednesday] Words Have Power.

Be careful what you say. Blindly using words you may not know the full meaning to can cause hurt without intending to.
The words you chose to use, to describe yourself or others impacts the way people see you whether you are aware of it or not. I am guilty of misusing words or accidently using hurtful words or words that I don't completely understand. Understand what you're saying and say it with intent. Don't mindlessly regurgitate something just because you've seen it used by others.
I'm leaving with less words today because I was given two gentle reminders of this today. Thank you to the people who are aware of words and their power, meaning, and, if mistreated, hurtfulness.

Have fun and Be Mindful.


"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
-Napoleon Hill

Day Sixteen: Manga VS Anime.


Guess who finished "Love Stage!"?

It's a lovely BL-anime (BL, for all the anime novices, stands for boy love or boys love) filled with sparkles, moe, and nose bleeds. It end's in a semi-cliffhanger. You could end the series on that note or you could continue on in the manga.

Photo Credit HERE
That got me thinking about the pros and cons of anime vs manga. The argument goes much like the old books vs film. It is said that when you adapt, you lose detail and often have more filler. While this is true for the long running anime (such as Naruto or Bleach.) I'm not too sure that it is true for short run anime like Love Stage!

So I present to you, in spirit of anime day,


  • Pretty colors!
  • Movement!
  • Voice actors bringing life to the character (Talking about you octopimp. Freaking love Thugisa...)
  • Fun Music
  • Anyone can watch
  • Leaves out detail!
  • Often doesn't finish a story
  • Bad animation??
  • Bad Dubs (Looking at you 90's era Sailor Moon)


  • Less filler!
  • More character development and story
  • Back stories
  • Fun minor characters
  • Collection value
  • No color (in most cases)
  • Hard to follow for newcomers ("What do you mean its read from right to left??")
  • More solitary experience
  • Hard to grasp fight scenes
Like anything, anime and manga is it's own can of worms. But you better believe that I will love all of it for a long time..

Have Fun and Be Awesome!

I feel like crap (ᗒᗩᗕ)՞

"Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!"

Monday, April 27, 2015

[4.22.15]Day Ten: College Fair Fashion

Today was the college fair.
I'm ripping a page out of Edwards book and pulling a wordless Wednesday.

Have Fun and Get Sassy

Stomp and Roar.


Day shmglff: For Sooth, For Shame, For Better Metal.

I didn't update. The Internet ate my drafts and I didn't update.
Good news though, since I didn't update last week nothing of consequence is happening I'm sorry. I'm writing a short story-light novel-"basically it's fanfiction at this point". All original work so it's not actual fanfiction but you get the picture. Because of this, I might be a little busy and I've decided to change it up.

This week we'll be getting both our first look at Writing class and Book Club. May 1st is a Friday and the first Friday of every month is book club! (Give me suggestions on what to read, I will happily take them...) On Wednesday, since it is another crazy day, I'll be doing writing class. Or, more aptly put, the one where I show you what I'm working on and how I do the thing. I'm quite excited.

I was not able to complete (or even start) last week's knitting project, because I didn't get the yarn required. I may revisit the Harry Potter book scarves at a later date but as we say, New week- new project.

This week is... (drum roll please)
...Tea Toters! (PATTERN)
(Photo from Mom at
A very cute little project for all the tea drinkers out there (like myself)
I'm going to be using 
  • scrap yarn in a pretty pearlescent blue color 
  • and my 4.5mm aluminum straight needles (US size 7)
  • as well as a button that I found
This week is going to be a mad house, but I know that we can do it. 

Have fun and get knitting!

I made a mix to go with a story I'm working on.

"I'm having a great time. It's like I'm on some ridiculous big roller coaster not knowing what's happening next, but just having a great time on the ride."Samantha Mumba

Friday, April 24, 2015

Word Word Word

I promise I'm not skipping, Im having publishing problems and will bulk post the last three days tomorrow <3

Transparent Anime animated GIF

Regularly scheduled blogging will resume tomorrow I promise.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day Nine: Senpai.

A very quick update today.
It's a weird week and I'm a little bit frazzled. I thought I would talk to you about what's on my "To Watch" list.
So without further ado, or introduction, I give you:

  1. Love Stage
  2. Noragami
  3. Log Horizon 
  4. The Magical Boy Anime
  5. Gurran Lagan

I have no Idea what this one is about, Noragami has
been endlessly recommended, but never really
explained. Verdict: Excited.
Apparently HELLA gay, and I mean that in the homosexual
way, not the douche-y kid way. Also apparently adorable.
There are a lot of anime that are on my list this summer that I hope I'm able to file through. While these are some of my new anime. I have some that I need to rewatch and catch up on. Long nights ahead.

This is really just a quick list, put together by a couple of friends. Most anime I watch are suggestions, I trust my friends to know when I would hate something, because I think they know me well enough.

I have no real words to describe this other than
a magical girl anime, but boys. I also don't know
what it's actually called, nor do I care. Much like
how I first was with Haikyuu!!

Pretty sure that's all I have for you today. Like I said, it's been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday. This blog will continue even in the craziness because, that's just how I roll.

Have fun and Binge watch.

studio ghibli animated GIF
* soot soot soot KONPEITO soot soot soot*

This mix is currently giving me life. 
“Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter 
where you are, you will have nothing to fear.” 
                                  ― Hayao Miyazaki

Monday, April 20, 2015

New Week. New Project.

Image result for harry potter silhouette
I'm very tired.

But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to make a project this week. Tomorrow Idalia is going to teach me how to decrease, and I will begin work on this weeks project.
Technically we're making a Harry Potter inspired bookmark. I'm just not going to really follow the pattern...
Click for larger view
(Photo courtesy of Jennifer Tallapaneni @

 I'm going to be using:
  • 4.5 mm needles (US size 7)
  • Lions Brand Yarn in colors silver and green.
It's going to be a magical second project.

Have fun and Be Creative.

A playlist made by me on grooveshark
Green and Silver 

I’m almost never serious, and I’m always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I’m like a collection of paradoxes.
-Ferdinand de Saussure

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day 5: What The Week Brought.

Hello sweet and lovely people who are tuning into this week wrap up.
I didn't post yesterday because I was asleep! It was a beautiful sleep, and I've started to plan ahead for next week if I need to sleep again. So far this week has been so exhausting. For some reason I just can't keep my eyes open. It might have been the two days I spent staying up till five watching Shigatsu.

With that being said let's have our week review shall we?

kawaii animated GIF
  • We started the blog!
    • Oh yes my friends, it happened, the blog has actual well thought out posts on it and I only missed one day. A rousing success!
  • I got most of the way done with this weeks knitting! 
    • I only have to decrease and bind off, which I need Idalia to teach me how to do. I technically have until Sunday to finish so remain faithful.
  • I got to episode seventeen in Shigatsu!
    • No, Brian, I have yet to finish. It's coming, the tears are on their way I promise.
  • I've only slept in the car once this week.
  • 100 (E/A+) on the Macbeth film.
    • The presentation was a rousing success, which I am super proud of because it was my baby. That's what two weeks of work gets you kids.
  • 30-ish days of school left.
  • Was only absent for a block and a half.
  • Got Van's Warped Tour ticket!! (Pomona date. If you're there and not, like, 80. Come say hi!)
Transparent Wtf animated GIFAccomplishments!!!
Really, though. This blog is becoming something that means a lot to me and we had quite the turnout for our first week! I'm super proud of what we accomplished because it was actual things. 

There is so much more in store here on Unraveled. I'm trying to plan some fun adventures and I hope you'll be a part of this productive journey with me.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the company!

Be adventurous and Have fun!

I've been listening to Pretty Odd. and All Time Low's new album, have a mix.

"The first and greatest commandment: Don't let them scare you." -Elmer Davis

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day Three: Lazy Wednesday.

Today is the fashion day, and if I was a good little blogger I would have taken a picture of my OOTD. But I'm not, so I recreated it via polyvore. (link)

I was so comfy.

I love fashion because it can be so many different things. An extension of yourself, a way to influence other peoples thoughts, or a way to influence your own thoughts. I woke up this morning knowing that I didn't want to get out of bed, but I also had a really important presentation. I wanted to influence my thoughts to remain calm and comfortable. Kinda like I was still in bed. So I pulled out my trusty polka dot skater skirt, my grandpa's old Hanes tee shirt, and my Docs. With that I was ready to take on the day. 

I would also like to say this now, everyone needs to own at least one skater skirt, because they look good on anyone. If you're like me and on the chubbier side of life, or you have a square shaped body, it will look amazing. They are also super comfy and just perfect. Last summer I had a personal ban against pants. I practically lived in skater skirts. 

Today was my lazy day, but I still looked super cute and took the world head on. Which was all thanks to fashion. I may have felt like the living dead, but I looked like I could kill a man. Which we all know is the trademark of a good outfit.

Next week I promise to take a picture in all my glory. Maybe I'll even make Edwards pose for me? 

Have fun and Happy Dressing.
The Laziest Mix

"If a great outfit gets you one step closer to feeling good about yourself, then it's worth every penny."-Rachel Roy

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day Two: Sports Anime Phenomena

From Free! to shining Free! Eternal Summer I am obsessed with sports anime.

          As far as I can tell, the first sports anime I ever watched was Prince Of Tennis back when I was six. I don't remember much about the show (which should be no surprise because I hardly remember what I ate for breakfast) I really enjoyed Prince Of Tennis. It should then come as no surprise that 11 years later when I binge watched all of Haikyuu! (more commonly known as Volleyball Anime) I would enjoy it too.
          The funny thing is, I hate sports. I don't like running, I hate being sweaty, and I think sports games are boring. Who wants to sit in the heat for an hour to watch a bunch of dudes run around each other? Despite all this, I love sports anime. Anime like Haikyuu! keep me on the edge of my seat and I actually feel anxious. I want them to win. It's not just about the characters or their lives. I want Karasuno to kick ass and be able to make it to Tokyo. 
                  Sports anime give me a newer understanding of the sport and characters who love it more than anything. In honor of that, I give you;
5) Prince Of Tennis (Tennis Anime)
Image result for prince of tennis chibi
       This is a classic. Started in 1999 ended in 2008. Prince Of Tennis has a fun vintage feel while not seeming too cheesy. The characters are lovable, and the bonds they make together will make your heart feel warm and fuzzy.
4) Suzuka (Track Anime)
       Another well loved classic. This sports anime is all about love. A really cheesy, short show to pull you into the sports anime cult. With a character driven plot, wacky antics, and a manic pixie dream girl long jumper. There is no way to go wrong.
3) Kuroko No Basuke (Basketball Anime)
Image result for kuroko no basuke kuroko     The Basketball That Kuroko Plays. That's the American title of this anime, and such an injustice. This anime is so crammed full of feels I had to take a break from it to retain my sanity. The story follows five kids who got the nickname "The Generation of Miracles." and their Phantom Sixth man (that's Kuroko.) I'm not going to talk about this one as much, because we could get into spoiler territory very easy. It's a fun show that makes you feel for the characters and feel for the team. FOR THE BASKETBALL.

2) Free! (Swimming Anime)
Image result for free swimming characters          This anime has made me cry twice. Should I have been crying? No. But you'll love the characters so much, that when they talk about their back stories your kokoro will be dokidoki-ing for months. It's a newer anime, so the colors are rich, the animation is great, and the boys are pretty. It's very fanservice heavy, but it's so good. There are 22 episodes per seasons and two seasons to watch. Then I highly recommend watching the abridged version 50% Off.
1) Haikyuu! (Volleyball Anime)
          I wont waste your time, I love this anime so much. It's the anime that brought me back to anime. It makes me cry on a regular basis. I think about the characters during my everyday life. I love this anime. From the characters to the animation this show has it all. You will fall in love with the Tiny 10, and if you don't there will be a character you will. It's about the team, it's about the year threes, it's about the heart break. Watch this anime. There are twenty-five episodes. The story continues in the manga. Watch this anime.

That concludes today's post! Hope you're liking the first week of activity. If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know! (Maybe even tell me if you have a favorite post!)
Have fun and Happy Watching!
A Sports Anime OST playlist.
“Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world that exists outside ourselves and our dreams.” 
― Hiromu ArakawaFullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1