"Day (-------): Summertime Blues.
Hello and welcome to the ghost town that has become of this blog.
I promise I've not been dead, I've just been extraordinarily busy for the beginning of summer. I've been watching two kids, who are absolutely lovely. While also attempting to circumnavigate the awfulness that is summer school. (Pay attention in class kids, lest you become the seventeen year old with three classes to re mediate.) I've also been attempting to find a mentor for senior project.
I did, however, manage to write a blog post at the end of the year.
"Day Fifty-Three: Holy F*#k.
Today is an amazing day.
I'm more than a little proud that I am passing all my classes and my google history was not displayed for the entirety of Ipoly to see. It's been a beautiful, chaotic last week. Everything seems to be happening at a million miles a minute. That's okay though because we're figuring it out one day at a time.
A look back on the week includes
- Another bout of habitual lateness
- Two lovely migraines
- The urge to commit homicide at least twice
- Actually doing my homework ahead of time
- And the feeling of hazy nostalgia of a year better spent trying
Yes, this year has been a wild ride (like I've written in every yearbook) and I didn't think that I could be any more content. Despite that, I am. I'm so pleased and I feel so damn elated that I was able to do better. I was able to make a huge improvement in my mental, physical, and emotional health this year. As well as my grades!
I'm incredibly proud of all my friends who did amazing things this year, I'm proud of the friends that I had and lost this year. Most of all, I'm proud of my survival. My Slytherin spirit and determination not to lose. Tooth and nail, blood and tears, thick and thin. It's been a magnificent year and I can't wait for my next big adventure.
Have fun and Enjoy Summer!"
See, wasn't that lovely?
We'll return to regularly scheduled blogging soon enough. Once I get my head on straight for sure.
Have Fun and Enjoy Life."
Y'know it's pretty funny when I write several drafts and forget to post them because I've been so busy doing other things. Hi, blog that I've let fall into ruin, how are you?
I'm doing okay, been having pretty awful migraines as of late and I haven't really had the funds to have any adventures. I have, however, been able to work on my other blogs and social media. Fun stuff I know. I've also dedicated a small chunk of my life to Critical Role, a Geek and Sundry show about Dungeons and Dragons. The show features an array of voice actors and actresses and is just awesome.
I also had an adventure in child watching, which was fun. I got to take them on random travels and give them ice cream and not tell their mom. I felt like the super cool kid watcher for awhile and was able to get some summer school done in the mean time. I've also been in my constant struggle with Major Douche Bag, my evil summer school "advisor."
Over all it's been a pretty grand adventure for the start of the summer. I hope to get back to some semblance of a schedule with this blog, but I make no promises.
That's all from me folks, I'll see you in the next round.
Have fun and Be lazy.
“I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.”
― Herman Melville