I'd really like to not make this post.
I have no knitting updates, the kitty hat lays in desolate sadness. I will be starting stitch week (tentative title) soon.
No, today's post is about health and my lack of. I'm starting a workout challenge. I'm proclaiming it here on my blog so I have less chance of skipping out on it. This is by no means a diet. I hate the idea of diets because they all focus on "This is what's
wrong with your body here's a restrictive way to
fix it." No, I will instead be going on a fitness journey because I'm not in good shape. I love my body and I love the way I look, but the fact that I'm not able to do cartwheels without hurting myself isn't a good sign.
So I'll be doing "Squat it away May" (*eyeroll*) and also having a meal replacement. My meal replacement is a green smoothie. The reason for the meal replacement is, I've been eating a lot of junk food. It's super bad for my health and more importantly my skin!

I'm really trying to emphasize that this isn't because I don't like the way I look, because I do. It's about my health. Being a healthy individual is really important to me and I think it will help me be a more productive person. I know that there are younger people following me and I don't ever want to encourage something that could be harmful to them. I think it's really important to say that, I know this is going to take a while and I'm not expecting instant results. There is a massive push from media to be beautiful, and to do so instantly. They shove diet pills at twelve year olds who still haven't grown out of their baby fat. Images of impossible waistlines and incredulous biceps litter our landscape. I never want to be apart of that push. I was super heavy set when I was 12 and incredibly insecure about it. My mom always told me to wait until I turned sixteen, I would even out. I did. I grew into my body and found out what made me feel most comfortable. Now I'm seventeen, nearly eighteen, and I still feel that way.

What I'm trying to say is that before you decide you want to go on a diet or do some crazy workout, make sure you're comfortable with yourself. If you're doing something out of a place of insecurity, you might end up going to extremes. Like I tell my little sister, you are incredibly beautiful never think otherwise, society will do that for you. Make sure you're not being influenced by some ad on TV. That goes for all physical and mental features.
Have fun and love yourself
“Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.”
― Steve Maraboli
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